oxygen multistep


The most important feature of Oxygen Multistep Therapy (O2MT) acc. to Prof. Manfred von Ardenne is the timely-structured supply of oxygen via the respiratory system. This is coupled with medicinal drugs and physical means to improve the absorption of oxygen in the body tissue.
The aim of O2MT is to increase blood circulation which boosts the energy status of the whole organism.

Areas of application

Prof. Manfred von Ardenne and his team of physiologists, physicians, and biologists developed O2MT as a by-product of his many years of research in the fight against cancer in the 1970s.
This therapeutic method is based on the discovery of a switching process of the microcirculation in the human organism.
In the meantime, O2MT has proven itself useful in prophylaxis as well as in the treatment of various diseases.

In the prophylaxis

  • Boost of physiological power reserves

  • Conditioning after continuous professional stress

  • Increase of circulation stability

  • Cancer and cancer recurrence prophylaxis

For diseases

  • Arterial circulatory disorders (cerebral, peripheral, cardiac, retinal)

  • Migraine, cluster headache

  • Angina pectoris

  • Hypotension

  • General weakness of the immune system

  • Oncological aftercare (reduction of chemotherapy side effects)

  • Rehabilitation

Therapy options

Today, patients have a wide range of O2MT options available to them.
Therapy can be optimally adapted to their individual needs and personal preferences.
In addition to the standard process, two intensive variants, the O2MT rapid process and the OXITHERMIE® have become established. In the OXITHERMIE® process, oxygenation, and increase of the body core temperature complement each other synergistically.

O2MT-standard prozess
18 d for 2h
O2MT-rapid prozess
4 d for 15 min
5 d for 45 min

Personal consultation

In addition to qualified consultations on the above-mentioned therapy methods which are variations of an oxygen-inhalation therapies and their implementation, our institute offers the possibility to purchase oxygen concentrators for use at home. A scientific introduction, as well as professional equipment service by qualified employees of our biomedical engineering department, are part of our service.

Please contact us.


Science in alliance with nature


Von Ardenne Institute of Applied Medical Research GmbH
Zeppelinstr. 7, 01324 Dresden, Germany
Phone: +49 351 2637 400 | Email: info@ardenne.de